Our story

Hubadviser was founded by two former senior consultants from Gartner and Wavestone, Ismail Charkaoui and Samir Bououli. Throughout their careers, Ismail and Samir assisted large & mid-sized companies.

They observed a growing interest in practical & operational insights. By partnering with an experienced CTO, Abderrahim Boussetta, they were able to establish a service and a digital platform that connects their clients with peers and experts.

Thanks to an internally developed AI, HUBADVISER successfully matches their clients’ questions with the most relevant insights.

Our Values


We do not have any partnerships with vendors to sponsor or promote their solutions.


Our advisers give practical, non-ideological advice without promoting any specific technologies or vendors.


Exceptional service via quality advisers & relevant consultations for clients and advisers.

Our Team

Samir Bououli

Managing Director &
ex Wavestone

Ismail Charkaoui

President &
ex Gartner

Abderrahim Boussetta

ex Deliveroo

Advisory Board

Gerard Guinamand

Ex Group Chief Data Officer at Engie Group

Emeric Nectoux

Digital Transformation
Leader at Airbus

Jean Louis Marcucci

Défense(ENGIE Group)

Michelle Dubosqueille

Ex VP Gartner, Partner at

Morgan Lesné

Partner at Cambon